Plumber in Orangeville, On
Servicing Dufferin County, Simcoe County, York Region, And More!
Plumbs Up Plumbing & Drains
Plumbs Up Plumbing & Drains is a full-service plumbing company with multiple locations spread across Dufferin County, Simcoe County, and York Region. From routine maintenance to emergency repairs and installations. Your home deserves the PLUMBS UP experience - "Thumbs Up for Plumbs Up!"

Plumbing Categories
Plumbs Up's plumbing service categories.
Clogged Drain Plumber Services

All services that have to do with a clogged drain are in our clogged drain services section.

Bathroom Plumber Services

For when your bathroom needs a plumber, see our list of bathroom plumber services.

Kitchen Plumber Services

Plumbs Up services kitchen plumbing fixtures, see all of our kitchen plumber services.

Residential Plumber Services

All types of residential plumbing services. Your house deserves Plumbs Up!

Schedule Your Service Today!
Schedule your service with Plumbs Up today!

Plumbs Up is proud to offer its plumbing services to homeowners and local businesses across Dufferin County, Simcoe County, and York Region.

Schedule Your Service Today!
Schedule your service with Plumbs Up today!